A Divine Word of prophecy came in Janurary 2000. Preach1 ministry went public in January 2010 with God's Word to accommodate and populate nations of believers honoring Jesus Christ our Lord.
Be a Glorifier with our names logged in, sync by riverside places, reciting bible verses to God.
Relief from missed understanding for thousands of years
For a fast response
Free publishing while donations last
We've revamped the Topic Frame
A wisdom for the wise, may it start here
Let us do the honors
Here's where more Christians are failing
Preach1 Foundation
Signature Bible Verse Required
Fear, Shame or Glory to God
No crepted in unawares
No shame in glorifying my God
See your chance to exit fear
Will you say words of God in the public?
Will you say words from God in public
Preach1 Day _ Cullen Plaza
Preach1 Day _ Cullen Plaza
What God loves is a cheerfull believer
We never know who is next in the Lord
Pre-Wedding Feast with Jesus Christ, you must qualify with heavenly orders. Revelation 19
A duty to follow for a Miracle, which truly follows them that believe, this sign is your proof of action
How grants works in God
Getting people before Satan does
Father, bless them who didn't deny you
The Saints of God are coming
God's Cummunity in action
Opening up Preach1 Day Church
Getting ready for the 1 PM reciting to God
How to pass thru the days of Covid-19
The How To: In spirit and truth worship
Lets get Michigan going
First thing you must do to worship God
Movie Trailer #11
Movie Trailer #10
Follow this short video
What we know about Romans 15:5-6
Can man prepare for Rapture of Jesus Christ?
When we contact you to honor in a Bible growth position, we may expose you if you're leading God's people.
The sessions of Preach1Day assembles are every Saturday until God is glorified in the Son by John 14:13 or first comes the Rapture
Saturday's are Preach1Days at the river and every Saturday beyond.
Be a mark on God's Timeline, Today!
Devotion week by Yvette Denson
Please make a comment
His aliment purpose of existence, sermon style
There is Old Covenant, New Covenant and Lamb’s Book of Life Covenant.
Visit our resources
The Lamb book of life is a natural signable book in the earth for use by the saints of God, and not a book held only in heaven by its most high, as those in the earth were thinking.
Its now prophesied that the Tree of Life would be within holy cities where Glorifiers are giving the rights of passage to freely honor God by His Consent, giving saints preparation to write in at media sites or mail in their data for entry.
The 20th century saints was never told that they'll have a chance to put their own names in the Lamb Book of Life and live with Christ forever.
Excerpt of Philippians 4: Whatever is of good report, think on these things
Preach1 is the only paper trail journey to glorify God and biblical proven by those who have joined us in the scripture of Romans 15:5-6
Jesus, true begotten Son or GOD?
We can glorify God by His written consent, only. Setting aside ourselves then honor our God for a oneness in harmony with man and God. " May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Reference: Rom 15:5-6 " ESV Bible
Yes, we're going to be on our own social networking site, publicly (like Facebook) and privately within our community. Support our media services with commercial activities available.
Our own Larry Denson, will answer one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible, that is “where are the mansions Jesus talked about in John 14:2 ?” Once this answer is ministered to all, you shall be delivered to know the truth by the spirit of God. If anyone knows where these mansions are let them tell us by sending the answer to info@preach1.com before the conformation date.
And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all man unto me.” (John 12:32 KJV)
Can't we see whats happening if we continue on our way, Who shall say "Lets run to God before it's too late!"
A ram in the brush? There is no way out for Detroit, however there is a deeper way into her.
Monut up the family, friends and neigbhors
There is no set location at the Detroit River, Just be on time for the assembly on a Saturday, starting at 12:58 PM for 2 minutes. Be sure to assemble in the thickest parts of the multitudes. Do not break line of sight!
Our Lord is waiting us to join His communion services of eating His broken body and spilled blood offered outdoors. Churches/Stores/Street blocks, etc. On Preach1 Day, receive Jesus in his commission for us to have communion as often as we can.
Waiting on those to first join the in-take of God's One-Voice for the tour of such regional area. Don't be 10 seconds off, please sync your watches with regional standard time.
Knowing how weather changes in Michigan, it may be on a day only Jesus could fall asleep (ref: the boat) with high regards we are outside because that's where saints decree God's Word together.
Are you going to know the voice of God when it comes, when it's here or when it's gone? The false voices are present now!
Preach1 day will be announced when all scriptures are installed into the One-Voice-Of-God-Holy-Bible. We will reach you by emails, Network News Stations, this website, word of mouth, dotting the date for the Detroit River recital for Preach1 Day.
By having a heart for people in general, God has let me hear their out-cry's in the streets of the cities. So I wrote the vision He's given me and made it plain so that anyone may take it and run to God for more grace, peace and harmony. Don’t be late on Preach1 Day!
The date of Preach1 Day will be scheduled when all bible verses are registered for the 2 minute ceremony. Move as God has given you the ability to register, Don't wait till you’re counted as doubtful, then one day need God honestly.
Go to a city in the USA where the Detroit River is presence, notice the view, can you see other people there to pledge in the Preach1 Day ceremony? If yes, join in!
God is waiting harmony coming to our citizens, It's to the powers of God for what happens to murders and unjust people among us.
Thanks for your donations! We are prepairing Believers around Michigan to pledge in Michigan's Preach1 Day.You'll know us for the ministry that interpreted God's word for these chaotic times.
The church has never offered God up in one-voice. We’re sending spirit voices to God, one-voice of all verses in His Holy Bible, starting God's next reloltution for man to live together in His Harmony, through blessings brought pure to God from the multitudes seeking His Harmony for regions that glorifies God by His consent at Romans 15:5-6
Covering the gap in holiness
Proverbs 18:11 A rich man's wealth is his strong city, and like a high wall in his imagination.
Come through here, this way Michigan, come and take, like most taking medicine, take this door! Once God glorifies His name (Preach1 Day), possess this land Saints!
Mount up citizens of Michigan! Together we've never brought one-voice to glorify God, so teach children there verse and let's fill this cup! How so our citizens are perishing now that vision has come?
God raises spiritual people to a place and time to interpret his word differently than suggested and gives them a divine word to preach
It's real: millions are hiding faces in their bibles while being haunted by strongholds of evil...
Power to possess your harmonies through cup-glory
We are to deliver a Cup of Glory to the Host of Heaven... "and greater works than these will he do”.
that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:-6)
Grant:To accord as a favor, prerogative, or privilege: granted the franchise to all members.
None have brought a cup of glory to God except Jesus Christ. State wide we can do it again! Today, we now know the way and have the resources! Will your church-family stand or fold when it's time to mount up labors for God‘s grant of harmony for Michigan’s believers?
More Education and Money or Worship?
By any means necessary take this mountain by force or we will be counting our dead after the great thrust has come and order seen nowhere in sight, Michigan!
Meet Larry Denson
Much is resting on you! Mary carried baby Jesus, surely your baby can carry a word from God. It's worthy to record the moment.
At this junction in life we must advance into boundaries not offered by prayer nor church, just know that God is awaiting an offering of glory by His Believer's one-voice of pure spirit!
Offering up Michigan/Detroit/Oak Park/Flint/Southfield/Grosse Pointe…
The pictures on the homepage are dramatized, hoping to inspire a ceremony that hasn’t yet came, to a people of strength, not yet known.
You finished your 2 prophecies of the bible, baptism and initial sinner's prayer, right? What else could set you free, free in deed?
We covenant with God for His harmony to arise and stay 100 years with our familes of Believers.
An excerpt to get them back so when we go to God, he'll laugh happy of you. Register to let God know your free-in-deed is to see them glorified, hopefully he’ll initiate your harmony today!
How do you tell if your true Pastors of the word loves God; they wouldn't let nothing stop them from a one-voice deed glorifing God by God's written wayof doing so; Romans 15-6.
With all the many Sundays, Sanctuaries, Sermons, Alters calls, and Pews filled, couldn’t bring enough glory to God, for his release of HARMONY into earth, until Preach1Day comes
Surely you’ve heard ’em: Give me your money and you are cleared for all things in God’s opened heaven or your hand for God's hand etc.!
What's in the bible greater than worshipping and glorifying God the Father that Jesus Christ shall receive his glory by his Father?
An open rebuke is better than secret love says the Lord! If you're following any leader, make sure they know: True Worshipping
The days when we asked people twice to register for Preach1 Day are over!
Why know God enough that you won't glorify him by His written words in Romans 15:6 and still continue praying to Him after denying Him?
Stop: Asking Government to fix cities like Detroit's cultural problems, it's not their call to go beyond the church.
Sensitive material!
Jesus has waited over 2000 years for His begots to do a greater work, DON'T DENY JESUS NOW!
Father God to Crown Jesus with glory!
Jesus "Rise, let us go from here"
Prepare to catch the breathe of God at Preach1 Day
Only what you do for the Lord will Last
Only what you do for the Lord will Last
Those who have known this, were they ever going to tell you?
Help the others, our missionary work is needed all over Michigan.
Government Called To Reason With Truth
The weaker ones; never able to re-pay the strong.
Children shouldn't miss out of this advance assembly of glorifying God!
7 Itinerary steps to glorify God, God's Way
Let's sync on worship to God.
None living have never lived to tell it...
Believing you've sent an assigned glorify to God, how so?
To daily receive God's glory and commission to glorify God & Father our LORD.
For power without shame
Guessing at what should glorify God is wicked!
...that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven. Matt 5:16
Only for Christians that can handle the truth, this article is not for all!
Preach1 Day ministry saves face for all institutions
The greatest offering to God is to glorify Him.
Do as Jesus asked Us; Glorify God!
Having no concerns for an ‘easy yoke and a light burden ministry’ is proof that freedom haven’t worked for you.
Stop trying to glorify God from old testement, its not posisible less Jesus in accord.
God is waiting His approval from you. Do not keep the LORD waiting, sign up please!
Its time all saints take a growth position
Undisclosed worth for them that shall glorify God His Way.
People want to see more footage on Preach1 Day
The calling is greatest when you're poor!
To them believing their Bible
Wait until 12:58 PM on the assigned date
The Truth of Romans 15:6 will lead us back to God!
Join 31102 people to take up their cross and walk toward Christ, glorifying GOD.
Romans 15:6, Is it a repass of history that will glorify God for the purpose of the gospel sake?
Click link and comment on this post, Thank You!
Hell is the patchy spots of the Earth's 1/4 surface
New additions bringing wealth to God's Kingdom children through scripture sponsoring!
Why was glorifying God overlooked for generations passed, didn't the leaders see Romans 15:6 awaiting service before it became critical?
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